Release Your Pain & Come Home To Yourself

  • release the burden that weighs you down and free yourself from within;
  • feel good even when your body doesn't;
  • heal from trauma.

Healing through ease, lightness, and play done by Yvon Kerkdijk, Sedona method therapist and certified life coach from the Netherlands

Release Your Pain & Come Home To Yourself

  • release the burden that weighs you down and free yourself from within;
  • feel good even when your body doesn't;
  • heal from trauma.

Healing through ease, lightness, and play done by Yvon Kerkdijk, Sedona method therapist and certified life coach from the Netherlands
My Story In Short
I call myself a recovering perfectionist. I adopted perfectionism as a coping mechanism to deal with the belief that I wasn’t good enough. Through that pattern of perfectionism I put so much pressure on myself to please, perform, perfect that my body broke down. I had chronic back issues and chronic headaches in my teenage years, my first (of many) burnouts when I was 18, and my first (and second) stroke when I was 24.

As a result of that stroke I had maybe about 10% of my energy left to spend each day. I needed a nap to get me through the day, even without a job or kids. Some days I needed to put a stool in my shower, because I couldn’t stand long enough to wash my hair.

After the stroke it because my full time (24/7) job to try and “heal”.

I knew in my gut that it was possible to get back to energy and vitality, and I fought like hell to regain something I could call “a life”. I commend my younger serf for trying so hard, but it was actually through that relentless “trying” that I never really got much traction and it felt me feeling defeated, discouraged, and depressed.
Continue reading in chapters
My story can be easily tracked by going through the chapters below
My main characteristics
I use a unique combination of Law of Attraction, Sedona Method, and parts work (inspired by IFS, Internal Family Systems) and have an experiential understanding of nervous system regulation.
  • 18 years
    Navigating my chronic illness
  • 2 years
    being active as a coach
  • 20 months
    the longest coaching container up to date
  • 100%
    satisfaction rate from my customers
Top benefits of my methodology
I know where you’ve been because I’ve been through it
  • Safe space
    Being in a safe space to explore your emotions in a way you cannot (yet) do on your own
  • Release trauma
    Being guided through a soft release of challenging emotions that otherwise stay trapped in the body
  • Opening to joy
    Free up trapped energy to enjoy greater vitality
  • Opening to life
    Safety inside your own system so you can truly start living
  • Getting to a state of freedom
    Finding a personal freedom that is independent of circumstances. Ending the emotional roller-coaster and finding your own calm centre
  • Learning to play & celebrate
    Stop doing things the hard way and make room for play in all areas of their life
  • Experience wholeness
    Integration of mind/body and spirit to experience wholeness
  • Learning authenticity
    Living more authentically and being true to who they really are
  • Relaxing into your authenticity
    Releasing anxiety and depression through authentic self-expression
  • Coming home to yourself
    Build self-trust & gradually release of symptoms no matter their diagnosis

I want to assist you to:
EMBRACE how they feel
EXPRESS who they truly are
EXPAND into a life beyond limits
- Yvon Kerkdijk
I want to assist you to:
EMBRACE how they feel
EXPRESS who they truly are
EXPAND into a life beyond limits
- Yvon Kerkdijk
My healing service roadmap
Step one
Short meditation
I often start my sessions with a short meditation to ensure that my clients are grounded in their calm centre, present in the body. Then I ask what their heart wants to bring into the session and that it may be different than what the mind came up with ahead of time. I trust that the space I hold will then bring forth what is most ready to be released or transmuted.
Step two
Focus on challenge
I ask questions about an issue or a challenge and, where appropriate, guide them into a sedona method release.
Step three
Focus on release
Where applicable, I will remind you of how LOA works, and seek to find ways with you where you can release the low frequencies you’re holding on to, in order to then tap into the frequency of the life you truly want, how you want that particular experience to go, and, in essence: tune into the frequency of who you truly are (not what you've been programmed to be).
Q & A
Here are some of the most asked questions and answers to help you get around the healing process
— The question?
— The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer.
— The question?
— The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer.
— The question?
— The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer. The answer.
Leave these things in the past:

  • Low energy/(chronic) fatigue
  • Burnout
  • Ending the rat race of always trying to do more
  • Overwhelm
  • Trying hard to get it “right”
  • Overthinking/Worry/(self) doubt
  • Emotional rollercoaster (lots of ups and downs)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low confidence
  • Low self-esteem/insecurity
  • Low self-trust
  • Going from book to book, from program to program, teacher to teacher in hopes of finding the “right” approach, “recipe” that will finally end their issues. Going outside of themselves for answers. Feeling like you're “close” but never really getting any closer
  • Never feeling like you're good enough, productive enough, whatever enough.
  • Lots of (mystery) symptoms and a myriad of diagnoses.
  • Burnout, anxiety, depression, mood disorder, fibromyalgia, (food) intolerances, sensitivities (like mold), allergies.
A brand new course "Manifesting Momentum" coming out soon...
My YouTube channel
I share my webinars and other useful peaces of information that can lead you to healing while feeling more aligned
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